Garden Bye-Laws

The Garden Byelaws are posted in the tennis shed

Made and passed by the Committee at a meeting held for that purpose at Eccleston Hotel on the 19th day of July, 1967 (the same having been previously approved at a meeting of the Occupiers) and allowed by one of Her Majesty's Judges in pursuance of the Town Gardens Protection Act 1863.

1. The use of the garden is reserved to persons having the right to use the garden under or by virtue of any Lease or Underlease. Other persons as the Committee think fit may be admitted subject to any general regulations or special resolutions the Committee may adopt to prevent abuse of the privilege.

2. No persons, other than those having the right of entrance, shall be entitled to hold or possess a key of the garden gate, and no person so entitled shall permit his key to be duplicated or given or lent to or used by any other unauthorised person.

3. Children must be accompanied by a responsible person who will supervise such children and take all reasonable steps to prevent such children causing annoyance to other users or causing damage in any way whatsoever.

4. No person shall climb over the walls, railings, fences or gates of the garden or leave the gates open. Gates must be left locked on entering or leaving.

5. No person shall climb, damage, pull down, or destroy any of the trees, shrubs, or plants, or pluck the flowers in the garden, or break, deface, or injure any of the seats, railings, fences or other enclosures and structures, gates or any other property belonging thereto. or willfully cut up or injure the surface of the gravel walks, tennis courts or lawns, or trample on or injure the beds, or place or leave any obstructions or things on the walks or elsewhere or in any way cause or permit any damage or injury whatsoever to the garden. No litter shall be deposited in the garden except in a receptacle provided for that purpose.

6. Bicycles or tricycles or other similar toys are not allowed in the garden except under regulations which the Committee may make for the admission thereof.

7. Noisy and disorderly conduct and every other practice likely to annoy the residents or to interfere with the quiet use and enjoyment of the garden are forbidden including the playing of gramophones, record players, radios or any musical instrument

8. The Committee may allow any game not likely to interfere with the amenities of the garden, but, save as allowed by the Committee, games shall not be played. In particular but not by way of Iimitation:-

(a) no football shall be played whatever the size of the ball.

(b) cricket shall not be played with a hard ball.

(c) ball playing is not allowed (outside the tennis courts) in any part of the garden which lies between the central cross paths and Belgrave Road.

9. The Committee may allow tennis to be played in the courts provided and shall make such rules and regulations as regards the use thereof and payment therefor as they shall think fit.

10. No carpets, rugs, doormats, or other articles shall be beaten, shaken, cleaned or dusted in any part of the garden. No dust or rubbish shall be swept or thrown or paper scattered on any part of the garden or on the railings or gates thereof.

11. Dogs or other animals shall not be allowed in the garden except (if at all) under any rule the Committee may think fit to make.

12. No person suffering from a communicable illness in an infectious stage may use the garden.

13. Any complaints as to the garden shall be made to the Committee or member thereof or to the Secretary and not to the gardener or other employee,

I have allowed these byelaws.

(Signature of Judge) JOHN PENNYCUICH

11th October, 1967 

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